Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday morning KPAS

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving with your children and loved ones.  I sent home rest items to be cleaned over break, please be sure to send them back to school.  The kids were all very happy to see one another today.  We played with some wooden marble mazes that are very tricky to configure...West and Jack Really enjoyed the challenge.  Once through with the marbles they came up with the idea to be chickens and sit on our musical/shaker cleaver.  We also spent time at our playdough table which is always a fun all group activity.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday morning KPAS

My small little morning group was very busy moving about the room today.  They were excited to see that my afternoon group made new playdough.  West and Jack had an early morning ice cream party before our friend Earl arrived.  Upon Earl's arrival they decided to have some cozy reading time.  Earl read aloud from The Big Red Barn and then West read Brown Bear Brown Bear to the group...they were great story tellers and a very attentive audience.  After snack I read the books Ninja and a new
 book titled Blue Sky.

Monday afternoon KPAS

Today was chillier than we have been used to.  Please remember to bring warm items as winter is going to be here anyway!  We tried to run around a lot on our playground to keep warm!  Max and Grady set up a doctor's table in the sand area where Max was the doctor...Grady appeared to be healthy according to Dr. Max.  Lenora, Narumi, Xander and Taber set up a stage area for performing in the other lower sand box.  Skyler and Baden kept us safe as they were superheroes.  There was a lot of great cooperative play happening on the playground today. Bodhi and Fiona enjoyed the tire swing while River, Sailor and Zoe stayed busy making sand food!  Mazie and Isabel spent a great deal of time taking care of their animals and keeping them warm, while Maddie and Eva played on the purple slides.  We have had many conversations about having safe bodies and being a kind friend...the KPAS group is doing great!  After rest time the non mappers had fun playing with the he playdough they made last week and exploring in the rest of the classroom.

Friday afternoon KPAS

We kept busy today!  During our outside free play we had a large game of hide and seek happening.  The kids loved hiding (and trying to not giggle), counting, covering their eyes and searching for friends. The group hiding spots were fun and creative.  The resting group had a choice of classroom exploration after resting today or coming to the cafeteria to make new playdough!  I had a wonderful group of helpers that were experts with measuring, mixing and turn taking!