Thursday, January 28, 2016

PM KPAS Monday and Tuesday

We have been busy playing, sledding and building outside!  Tuesday's early morning rain made for the perfect snow to build a snowman!  We have been reading many stories about snowfall, snowballs and snowmen.  Everyone was so excited to learn that they could make a small snowball and roll it all around the playground and watch it grow!  We gathered rocks for the eyes and mouth, sticks for the arms and a carrot for the nose!  As an inside activity we began creating a perfect square collage inspired by Michael Hall's book Perfect Square.  Children were given a square piece of paper and encouraged to cut, rip, crumple and hole punch the shape.  With the new pieces they each created their own picture along with a story.  We are currently working on this project and our new bulletin board is taking shape...I love all of the creativity!  Please remember to pack your child a snack each day and a change of clothes.  The current weather is very unpredictable and many days our outdoor fun creates a lot of wet outerwear and sometimes leaks through.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

AM KPAS Monday and Tuesday

We had a fun morning exploring with our blocks and trucks.  The morning group has been very into creating fire stations, driving fire trucks and putting out fires!  We began our new art project on Monday morning inspired by the book Perfect Square by Michael Hall.  Each child was given a perfect square.  I then encouraged them to cut it, rip it, hole punch it...whatever they wanted to do to create something new.  Our perfect squares have been transformed and we are working on our stories now to let our visitors know what our perfect square has turned in to.  Our newest bulletin board should be complete by the weeks end.
Our friend Stella joined the morning group on Tuesday and will continue to come on Tuesday mornings.  It is so fun to have new children join us!  We do have open spaces in the morning group if you know of any families in need of morning care!  They do not have to be a Warren School family.  As long as their child is of preschool age (3-5) they are welcome.  Please let me know if you would like more information to pass along.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday AM Post

Our classroom time was cut short today with an evacuate building order.  The kids were very prompt at getting their outside clothes on and taking a long hike down to the town hall.  Our morning began with dramatic play and our fire trucks and hats...the kiddos were pretty excited to see live fire trucks in action driving up to our school.  Once at the town hall we played a game with our P3 friends and then were able to go into the library play space and enjoy books and toys.  It was a true adventure that ended with a school bus ride back to our school.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Tuesday-Thursday AM KPAS

We have been keeping busy inside as the temps stay so chilly outside.  On Tuesday morning we made "snow" for our sensory table.  We began with Baking Soda and talked about the texture and the temperature of it.  Kids noticed it was soft, powdery, silky, cool...many great observations.  We tried to make a snowball but alas it was not packable so it just remained powdery.  Next we added shaving cream and mixed it together with our hands...great messy fun!  The kids quickly noticed that the powder had changed and we could now make snowballs and maybe even a snowman.  We added some winter creatures (penguins and polar bears) and it has been a magical winterland in our table.

When we have had the chance to get outside we have continued to enjoy our sledding hill.  Please remember to pack all items needed for your child to be happy and warm.   Even on our cold days, we try to get fresh air whenever possible!